Welcome to Denver CASA | Supporting Children's Advocacy

Creating Opportunities for Children, Youth and Families to Thrive

Denver CASA advocates for the best interests of children who have experienced abuse or neglect by training diverse volunteers who create opportunities for children, youth and families to thrive.


Value of Donated Time


Children Served by CASA


Active Volunteers


Total Volunteer Hours

2023 Annual Impact

What We Do

Learn More About Us

Our Mission

Child Advocates – Denver CASA advocates for the best interests of children who have experienced abuse or neglect by training diverse volunteers who create opportunities for children, youth and families to thrive.

Our Vision

Our vision is that all children, youth and families are thriving emotionally, mentally and physically with lifelong connections to caring and responsible adults, a permanent home and a safe and nurturing environment where they have a sense of belonging.

Become a CASA Volunteer

A CASA Volunteer has one purpose: to be the voice of the children and youth they serve by advocating for the needs and wants of the young people on their case. While other professionals within the system serve multiple families, a CASA Volunteer serves one child, youth or sibling group. This focus allows them to understand even the smallest details of the case and the complex network of relationships connected to the children and youth.

Most of all, this intense focus ensures that placement, school and other services, like therapy, are appropriate and in the best interest of the children and youth. In fact, research has shown that children and youth with a CASA Volunteer receive more services, re-enter the system fewer times, and are more likely to graduate high school. You can make a difference by signing up to become a CASA Volunteer today.

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Give to Denver CASA

Our highly-trained Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) Volunteers get to know each child and are by their side, advocating for their best interests in the courtroom and community. CASA Volunteers make sure each child’s individual needs remain a priority in an overburdened child welfare system. They make sure the child is safe, has the shortest possible road to a permanent home and has the opportunity to thrive.

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Hear Their Stories

Denver CASA believes every child has a story and voice that deserves to be heard. Far too often, children who have been abused or neglected are denied an opportunity to express their needs, interests, and hopes for the future. CASA Volunteers are uniquely positioned to get to know the individual needs of a child and build a trusting relationship.

When we take the time to understand a child’s journey, we can provide truly compassionate and meaningful advocacy. Denver CASA invites you to learn more about their stories, and how a CASA Volunteer can create opportunities for a child to thrive.

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Our Sponsors

The Anschutz Foundation Logo
Empower Logo
The Virginia W. Hill Foundation Logo
Denver Children's Foundation Logo
Fruition Logo

Denver CASA is a nonprofit, 501(c)3 organization. Tax ID #84-1300565

1325 S. Colorado Blvd.
Ste B402

Denver, CO 80222

[email protected]

P: 303.832.4592

© 2025 Child Advocates - Denver CASA | Powered by FRUITION