Volunteer with Denver Casa | Make a Difference Today

Become a CASA Volunteer

Volunteer Today

Volunteer Your Time to Change a Child’s Story

Having a caring, consistent adult to listen and put a child’s best interests before all others’ can make all the difference.

CASA Volunteers are there to change lives at the most challenging time in a child’s life, and they do. Multiple studies have shown that children who have experienced abuse or neglect fare better with a CASA Volunteer by their side.

CASA Volunteers are everyday people that advocate for the safety and well-being of children and youth experiencing abuse and neglect.

You do not need a social work background or legal expertise to be a CASA Volunteer, but you do need to be committed. We require that you are 21 or older, and a background check cannot include violent and/or sexual crimes.

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Brighter Futures and Stronger Communities

Children who have experienced abuse or neglect fare better with a CASA Volunteer by their side. Studies have shown:

They are
more likely
to find a safe, permanent home

They are
more likely
to succeed in school

They are
half as likely
to re-enter the foster care system

Volunteer with Youth

Become a CASA Volunteer

  • Serve as an officer of the court and provide a voice to children and youth in need
  • Attend court and other meetings as scheduled
  • Document all interactions in Optima (CASA’s database) and compose court reports
  • Twice monthly visits and consistent communication with all parties involved in your case as well as your Advocate Supervisor
  • Average of two year minimum commitment, but the expectation of staying with the case until completion
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Older Youth Program

As CASA youth look towards life after the foster system, the transition can be difficult. Navigating the foster system can be overwhelming for any youth and child, but making the transition to adulthood can be particularly challenging. In response, Denver CASA’s Older Youth program was created to support any goal-oriented youth between 14-21 years old that have had some interaction with the foster system. We strongly believe in meeting youth where they are, and working with them to gain the skills and confidence they need to transition to adult life.

Older Youth mentors are in a great position to provide valuable mentorship to older youth Mentors understand the importance of providing guidance and advice – especially in the complicated and confusing world of supportive services. By encouraging Older Youth to develop the skills needed to make the transition out of the foster system, our mentors can play a key role in promoting better outcomes throughout adulthood.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What does a CASA volunteer do?

What does it take to be a CASA Volunteer?

What is the time commitment?

What does it mean to be objective?

What does good communication look like?

Other Volunteer Opportunities

Host a CASA Information Session

  • Help spread the word about CASA in the Denver community
  • Invite a CASA representative to your corporate meeting, community gathering, or house of worship

Serve on a Committee

  • Join one of the sub-committees of the Denver CASA Board of Directors
  • Committees include Development and Finance
  • Share your knowledge, expertise, and connections in the community
  • Attend monthly one-hour meetings, arranged to accommodate most schedules
  • Typically requires two to four hours of time per month
  • One year minimum commitment

One-Time Projects

  • Provide time, expertise, or human-power to help Denver CASA
  • Projects include creating marketing materials, administrative help, event support, or other projects as needed

Get your Company Involved

  • Plan your next corporate philanthropy/impact day with Denver CASA
  • Assist in meaningful and impactful work to assist children and youth

Volunteer Form

Fill out the form below for more information on how you can get involved

Denver CASA is a nonprofit, 501(c)3 organization. Tax ID #84-1300565

1325 S. Colorado Blvd.
Ste B402

Denver, CO 80222

[email protected]

P: 303.832.4592

© 2025 Child Advocates - Denver CASA | Powered by FRUITION